Beta Club
Jr. BETA Club
What is it? Achievement, Leadership, and Service Organization
What do we do? Activities involving school and community services
What are the requirements?
- Positive attitude
- Devoted to school and community
- B” or better grade point average
The National Junior Beta Club is an educational organization for students in grades 5-9. Membership in Beta signifies that “the student has been approved by the administration of the school as a student of good character and mentality, creditable achievement, and commendable attitude – a student worthy of special recognition.”
The Beta motto, “let us lead by serving others,” has been the inspiration of thousands of young people – and adult leaders – for seventy years. It demands the best efforts of all who are associated with the organization and rewards them with the pride found only in achievement of worthwhile goals.
By-Laws of the Kehoe-France Northshore School Chapter
Members will be selected from grades 5-7.
The scholastic requirement for membership – overall “B” average.
One time membership fee is $24.00.
The officers to be elected for this club will come from the seventh grade.
(President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Parliamentarian). Failure to maintain an overall “B” average each nine weeks results in resignation, to member only status.
The club will meet at least once a month. (30-45 minutes in lunchroom Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday)
A member may be placed on probation each nine weeks for the following reasons:
Excessive absences
“D” or “F” on report card
Moral or disciplinary reasons by discretion of sponsors and principal
A student receives a detention
Membership will be terminated for that school year if:
A member is placed on probation two nine weeks in a row
A member is placed on probation for more than one infraction a nine weeks
A member receives two detentions
A member receives a suspension
Service Activities:
Adopting a family during the Winter Holidays
Donating to organizations (American Red Cross, Hurricane Relief, etc.)
Cards for local nursing homes (all Holidays)
Volunteering for various school activities
Playbill – Drama Club
Mary Bird Perkins – Pink Walk
CCFA – Crohn’s Foundation