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8 Weeks to 7th Grade

(985) 892-4415  ADMISSIONS  MAP

Our Goals



It is our goal to help children recognize their capabilities and to provide the opportunity and guidance to develop them. It is our aim to develop a child's curiosity, self-concept, self-discipline, and problem-solving ability. We strive to meet each child's developmental needs, realizing that they will not enter at the same level nor will they all reach the same level of achievement at the end.

We attempt to imbue the child with compassion and respect for his/her peers and to practice courtesy and consideration in his/her relationship.

We strive to promote and encourage each child to develop interests in cultural and worthy leisure-time pursuits.

A child who has been educated at Kehoe-France should have the faculty of critical analysis, the ability to meet new problems, independence of thought, self-direction, and self-discipline.

The desired learner outcomes for all students who exit Kehoe-France School at the end of their elementary years are as follows:

  • The student will demonstrate functional skills in communication (reading, writing, speaking and listening), mathematics, science, and computer technology.
  • The student will demonstrate an ongoing enthusiasm for learning drawing from positive educational experiences in school.
  • The student will demonstrate an appreciation for the visual and performing arts, foreign language, and physical fitness and wellness.
  • The student will demonstrate self-discipline and problem-solving skills to investigate the world around him/her.
  • The student will recognize and value his/her own uniqueness with opportunities to investigate and seek out areas of particular interest to him/her through participation in curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • The student will effectively demonstrate responsibility and self-direction and utilize time cooperatively and efficiently on group and independent projects.
  • The student will demonstrate compassion and respect for his/her peers and practice courtesy, consideration, and self-discipline in his/her relationships.
  • The student will demonstrate an appreciation of all cultures with an emphasis on the dignity and importance of every individual.
  • The student will demonstrate the ability to live a productive life, and through an awareness of his/her own self-worth, will strive to become a contributing member of the community.



Summer Camp