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8 Weeks to 7th Grade

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Home Economics

Home Economics

Home Economics or Consumer Science is a fun, hands on elective.  When you think of Home Economics you think of a homemaker – but things have changed since the 1950’s.  Home Economics actually covers much more than a stay at home mom.  Home Economics includes managing the home and the community.  It includes many topics: cooking, commercial cooking, nutrition, food preservation, hygiene, child development, managing money, family relationships, and textiles.  Home Economics is concerned with promoting and protecting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities.

In Home Economics at Kehoe France we learn about food and nutrition and the importance of exercise and making healthy food choices.  We learn about diseases and health issues that are related to our diet.  We learn about healthy snacks.  Learning about quick breads is one of the favorites.  We learn how to read a recipe and we make pancakes, muffins, and cookies.  The children love cooking and eating.

The next unit is sewing.  We first learn how to thread a needle and tie a knot at the end of the thread.  Then we learn how to sew on a button and we make a pillow.  Blind stitching is another skill that we learn with the pillow project.  The children love the pillow project and they can’t wait to use it to take a nap.

Etiquette is the third unit.  We learn about having good manners when eating at home, at a restaurant, and a friend’s house.  We learn about telephone manners and how to take a complete message. The children learn how to introduce someone to a new friend at school.  And finally we learn about sending thank you cards and being grateful for the gifts that we receive.

The final unit is on finance.  In this unit we discuss living within our means and not using credit cards or borrowing money from our parents.  We also talk about really thinking about what we want and not just making a quick purchase.  And finally we talk about a budget and the importance of a budget and how it can help us be successful in life.

Home Economics is a class that we introduce concepts that can lead to a happy, successful adult life.  These are all basic life skills – but just because they are basic they are VERY necessary.

It’s a fun elective that you can practice what you learn and eat what you cook.